Questica News

City of Chamblee, GA selects Questica Budget

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The City of Chamblee (“Chamblee”), Georgia endured the pains of a spreadsheet budgeting system that took too much time during each budgeting cycle. Using spreadsheets was labor-intensive, made it difficult for staff to collaborate, and lacked the reporting and visual tools the City needed. Knowing their growing community required more robust options to manage their $23 million budget, Chamblee searched for a centralized system to help them streamline the budgeting process, and make budget collaboration and sharing easier.


Questica Budget is a cloud-based budgeting solution that seamlessly integrates with Chamblee’s Tyler Incode 10 financial system. The City now has a system that offers workflow control down to the department level, multi-year forecasting, robust reporting features, and the Advanced Calculation Engine (ACE) for modeling complex formulas. Adding Questica OpenBook allows the City to share budget and capital improvement project data using a user-friendly online format. As a result, Chamblee has better communication and increased transparency with citizens.


The growing City of Chamblee is no longer held back by their legacy budgeting system, and can advance their mission to provide services that enrich the lives of their 29,000 residents.
